Purposes of the Team

Developing the capabilities of the local search and rescue teams in the regions according to the directives of the Director General of Civil Defense in implementation of the strategic plan for the leadership of the Jordan search and rescue team. The Jordan search and rescue team is considered one of the few teams in the region that is distinguished in this field.

The formation of this team came in line the Royal directives to raise the level of services provided to citizens, and in the interest of the General Directorate of Civil Defense represented by its Director General to provide everything that would improve this service, The Civil Defense is working to sustain the training of the search and rescue team.

The future objectives of the international search and rescue team are:

  • Carrying out search and rescue service inside and outside the Kingdom if necessary.
  • Participation in official duties and international and local exhibitions on the subject of search and rescue.
  •  Formation of the reserve team, which will be a replacement team for the ranked team working in the leadership of the search and rescue team in the event of the team’s absence and its travel abroad, or in the absence of one of the team members so that the replacement process is available .
  •  Communicate with INSARAG, the international advisory body for search and rescue teams, and work with it to reach the development of this field by modifying the methodology of this body in the applicable international ways and under the umbrella of the United Nations.
  • Translation of curricula, documents in the field of search and rescue topics  and publish them through the website.
  • Assisting brotherly and friendly teams in developing their service locally and globally in the field of search and rescue.
  • Working with friendly and brotherly teams to exchange experiences in the fields of search dogs and search and rescue science in general, as happened when the city’s training fields hosted the Emirati brothers from the UAE search and rescue team in October of the year 2014.
  • Developing the team in terms of purchasing all that is new of advanced equipment and moving towards specialization in training its members.