Heavy International Classification

In May 2013, the Jordan search and rescue team undertook the INSARAG heavy classification exercise and succeeded in obtaining the international badge as a heavy search and rescue team. This success for the modern Jordanian team was a clear indication of the team’s competency   in the field of search and rescue Internationally, where the members of the Jordanian team have proven their professionalism, training competence, and their ability to interact with operations successfully in the international environment and according to international standards.

The cooperation with Swiss friends represented by the Swiss Agency in Amman had a significant impact on the success of this classification. The Swiss search and rescue team, which had worked for more than seven years with the Jordan search and rescue team, expressed their admiration and appreciation to the Jordanian team. The Swiss experts praised the quality of the Jordanian rescuer as trainees who are able to develop themselves and benefit others from their experiences in the field of international search and rescue.