The Special Branch


1964: An office was established in the Public Security Directorate under the name  "Director's Office". Its main task is to keep the confidential mail of Public Security Director.

1966: the office was called the "Public Relations Office", with the duty of  following up the affairs of political refugees in the Kingdom.

1967: the office was renamed "the Special Office" and was assigned to follow up the affairs of the Force, and a section was created in each police directorate followed  to the Police Director.

1979: It was named "Preventive Security office".

2004:  the office was developed to "Preventive Security Department"

2011: It was called the special branch, and it follows the organizational structure of the public Security Directorate represented by Director of Public Security.

The special branch units :

  • Community Peace Center
  • The special branch Training Center
  • Explosives handling unit.