Two joint raids carried out by the Special Teams for AND and Criminal Investigation lead to the arrest of wanted drug dealers classified as dangerous and armed in Karak and South Amman

 The investigation is underway with an attempt to smuggle 225,000 narcotic pills to a neighboring country, which were hidden inside wooden boxes.

PSD spokesman said that the Anti-Narcotics Department, through the daily efforts to follow up the drug cases, have dealt during the past 48 hours with ten specific cases, during which 14 traffickers and promoters were arrested, and some of them are classified as dangerous.

In the most prominent cases that were dealt with, the two AND and CID special teams carried out two joint raids at different times in the capital and Karak governorates for two drug dealers who were classified as dangerous and armed, as the two raids led to their arrest and the seizure of separate quantities of narcotic substances

AND also dealt with three cases in the capital, three drug dealers were arrested in the first case after they were raided and 2,300 narcotic pills and 8 marijuana packages were seized in their possession. In the capital, AND raided a location used by a number of drug-dealers  for their criminal activity and selling drugs, and inside it, three suspects were arrested and 10 marijuana and an amount of narcotic pills were seized. In the third case, seven marijuana packages and 2000 narcotic pills were seized from a drug dealer in the south of the capital.

In Zarqa Governorate, a drug dealer was raided inside his vehicle while he was transporting a quantity of drugs, and he was arrested with 21 packages of hashish in his possession, while in Karak Governorate, two drug dealers were arrested in a special security operation, and separate quantities of narcotic substances were seized in their possession.

In one of the western regions of Al-Balqa, after locating a person wanted in drug cases who had been hiding for a long time, he was raided by a security force and arrested, and a large amount of narcotic marijuana seedlings were seized inside the site. Also, in Ma’an governorate, a promoter was arrested and a quantity of narcotic crystal was seized in his possession.

The staff-members  at one of the border crossings were able to seize 225,000 narcotic pills, which were hidden inside wooden boxes, in a cargo vehicle loaded with fruit, coming from a neighboring country while trying to smuggle it to another neighboring country (transit). The investigation is still underway to determine those involved in the case.