PSD spokesman said that the Anti-Narcotics Department, during the past 48 hours, arrested six drug dealers while they were dealing with four specific cases in the governorates of Mafraq, Irbid and Ma'an.

In Mafraq Governorate, two cases were dealt with. In the first case, two drug dealers were arrested after their vehicle was chased and they tried to flee, 2,000 narcotic pills and 7 packages of hashish were found in their possession. In the second case, 15 packages of hashish and 2,000 narcotic pills were seized after two drug dealers were raided in one of the province's regions.

In Irbid governorate, after collecting information about one of the drug dealers involved in drug cases, and making sure of the practice of criminal activities related to drugs, his house was raided and arrested, and 23 packages of hashish, 2000 narcotic pills, a quarter of a kilogram of Joker and 100 were seized inside the house in addition to two firearms.

In the last case in Ma’an governorate, a drug dealer was followed up and monitored and information was collected about him, as he was raided inside his vehicle after confirming that he possessed narcotic substances and transported them inside the vehicle. He was arrested after resisting the security forces and seized in his possession of 2000 narcotic pills, a quantity of hashish, a firearm and a quantity of ammunition